Accelerate Your Roadmap With Curated Nearshore Talent.

Access timezone-aligned software engineers and operation experts with experience in 100+ technologies.



Our Staff Augmentation Services.

Dependable, adaptable and scalable.

Extended SRE Teams

Improve and manage your critical services with Cloud-native continuous operations expertise.

- Cloud Services
- DevOps and Platform Engineering

Nearshore Developers

Strengthen your development teams with Software Engineering and DevOps skills.

- Fullstack/Back-end/Front-end
- Mobile Development

Software Testing as a Service

Enhance your software development lifecycle with Software Quality Assurance testing teams.

- QA Testing
- Manual and Automated


How We Work.

With over a decade of experience, we have become a trusted and dependable partner to technology trailblazers.

We quickly scale their teams and efficiently help them to conquer any business challenges with speed and insight.

  • We will present you with a carefully selected pool of talents to choose from.
  • We will hire the person you’ve selected, and manage them.
  • The talent is 100% dedicated to you and your team, contractually.
  • You don’t have to worry about risks associated with in-house hiring.
  • You will achieve a remarkable 60% reduction in employment costs!
Learn How We Hire


Your Benefits.

Enjoy peace of mind and drastically reduce costs.

Reduce your cost

Cut the cost of your development and operation teams by up to 60%, leading to substantial savings for your organization.

Skip recruitment delays

Hiring the right talent is time-consuming, so we ensure we get the right experts and onboard them quickly.

Access top talents

We conduct in-depth technical, logical, and interpersonal capabilities so allow for seamless integration with your teams.

Accelerate time to market

By augmenting your development and operation teams, you can concentrate on what is important, and provide your service to your customer.

Scale at your own pace

You can choose to expand the size of your team depending on the needs of your business without having to worry about long-term commitments.

Minimize risk

Let us take care of managing the people so that you can focus on providing technical direction.

Reduce your development and operation costs by up to 60%.


Why ELK Phoenicia.

Discover a partnership that can help you achieve more.

Top-notch candidates

We carefully select the most capable candidates who meet your criteria to ensure they align perfectly with your requirements and business needs.

Unwavering support

We facilitate onboarding and orientation sessions, administering HR processes, and efficiently managing payroll services.

Culture compatibility

We orient our talent to European culture, focusing on direct communication and transparency of Western Europe, leading to an effective and effortless collaboration with your team.


We integrate key elements such as introducing a development and operations squad to the in-house team, fostering a team's understanding of the company's ethos and objectives.

Continuous communication

Through direct, regular communication, we ensure your extended team is fully ingrained in their tasks, promoting a high-spirited and dedicated work ethic that translates to tangible results.

Coaching and mentoring

We go beyond staffing to manage and enhance rapport, providing professional coaching and stimulating activities to cultivate a sense of community, motivating and creating a family-like culture.

Let's get you staffed.

Schedule a 30 minutes call with our sales team.

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